Why is green bananas best recipe for weight loss

Why is green bananas best recipe for weight loss

New research confirmed that green banana is the best food can contribute to weight loss, because of its properties are able to lose weight.

After in-depth studies lasted 15 years, a professor of biochemistry at Liverpool John Moores University discovered, Rodney Belton, amazing facts about what foods should be eaten, and what must be away from him for a graceful strength and better health.

At the top of the list of foods that are recommended intakes for weight loss green bananas, because it contains a sufficient amount of resistant starch rich in soluble fiber in the body.

The starch banana unparalleled in other fruits, as it is unique that is not stored in the body, it handled a lot of it does not lead to any increase in weight, as it does not harm diabetic patients, because it does not cause a rise in blood sugar levels at all.

It also helps green banana eating to lose weight, which stimulates the secretion of the hormone Algelokagun which helps to burn fat.

He stressed Belton, in his study, which was published as part of the results of the newspaper "Daily Mail", that bananas are more useful and effective when ingested an incomplete maturation completely.

It is noteworthy that the official organization for science body in Australia had recommended eating 20 grams of resistant starch in the day to enjoy better health.

Among the foods that recommended intakes of modern study also vegetables, whole grains and foods rich in fiber.

The study also pointed out that eating 8 to 10 cups of water reduces the back pain suffered by 75% of people around the world.

Foods must stay away from them

In order to get the strength of a healthy and curvaceous, you should not just get away from sugars, soft drinks and juices, but also must pay attention to the methods of preparing meals in a healthy way.

For example: Boil potatoes in water downstream milling and release them 25% of the sugar found inside Contrary to cut slices, which is unhealthy.

The bottom line is that boil carbohydrate-rich fruits and downstream milling makes it unhealthy, either whole or in pieces addressed to all segments is the best.

Beware of olive oil!

Among the cooking methods that must be wary of the risks is frying in olive oil, which proved to be over-heated it to produce toxic substances harmful to health.

It is advisable to add only extra virgin olive oil for salads and not to use it in cooking.

Belton also stressed in his study on the need to understand how to get rid of hunger effectively by 

modifying diet and allow time longer to digest.


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