Apple cider vinegar helps lose weight

Use  cider vinegar apple for home for many years as a treatment for a large number of health problems Vero stomach, high cholesterol, sore throat, joint pain, and sinus infections and others. Apple cider vinegar has recently become one of the most important recipes to lose weight, it is considered one of the hot fat materials, and prevents the accumulation in the body. 

What is apple cider vinegar? 

Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting apple, where sugar turns in apples and break down by yeasts and bacteria, and turns in the first phase to the alcohol, and then fermented into vinegar. Vinegar can be made from various kinds of fruits and vegetables, cereals, apple vinegar comes from the fermenting apple as its name indicates. Acetic acid is the main component of vinegar apples. Vinegar also contains some amino acids, vitamins and minerals. 

Apple cider vinegar: Is it a cure for everything? 

Many argue that apple cider vinegar is a useful treatment for many diseases, and there are allegations Mequon usefulness of aging, and facilitator for digestion, and the Savior of the body of toxins. But the sudden there is no scientific evidence for many of these claims until now. 

Apple cider vinegar in scientific experiments 

Scientists in recent years to study the effect of apple cider vinegar on a number of health problems and found the following: 
Diabetes: The scientists studied the effect of vinegar on blood sugar levels, and one study found that it can be a positive outcome of apple vinegar to reduce blood sugar levels. The study showed that eating hanging precariously from apple cider vinegar daily before sleep reduces sugar levels of the morning at about 4-6%. 
High cholesterol: One of the studies conducted on mice have shown that apple cider vinegar will help reduce cholesterol in the blood; but still, scientists are looking at the effect of apple cider vinegar cholesterol in human blood. 
Heart: One study showed that vinegar may reduce high blood pressure, improves heart health. 
Cancer: One of the recent studies have shown that apple cider vinegar may help kill cancer cells and slows their growth. 
Weight loss: eat a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water before eating gives a feeling of fullness and satiety, which helps to reduce weight. 

How to use apple cider vinegar? 

As the usefulness of unsubstantiated scientific experiments on the human, and because most of the tests conducted so far has been on laboratory animals, there is no scientific recommendations in a manner used; but can be taken pending the hanging precariously day with a glass of water, but it is not recommended to increase the use of apple cider vinegar as may be have a risk of the body. 

Risks of apple cider vinegar 

It may be to eat a healthy apple cider vinegar if handled frequently risk; therefore must take into account the following matters: 
Can interact with apple cider vinegar medical drugs for heart disease and diabetes, also interacts with diuretics and laxatives. 
Apple cider vinegar Composite High acidity must be mixed with the amount of water or juice; because vinegar Center hurts the mouth, teeth, and the internal organs. 
Prolonged use vinegar apple leads to a lack of potassium deficiency and bone density, so you should consult a doctor before using it. 
People with diabetes should consult a doctor before using apple cider vinegar, as vinegar contains chromium, which can affect insulin levels in the blood. 

If you do you are advised to use apple cider vinegar? 

The answer here depends on the way you use apple cider vinegar, which can be added to food as the authority and the soup in small quantities; but its use on a daily basis and may frequently carries a 
health hazard. And its sole conditions should consult a doctor before using apple cider vinegar


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