Study: Vitamin D helps with weight loss
Vitamin D helps to reduce weight
Vitamin D is used for Weight Loss
Vitamin D can Weight Loss
A new study has shown that vitamin D may be an appropriate treatment to get rid of obesity and reduce blood sugar. To ensure the success of that with the help of diet and exercise, the researchers advised
Reached a new study, due out next Saturday (July 28) during a joint meeting of the International Society for Science Endocrine Society endocrine in Chicago, that vitamin therapy (d) causes the brain to improve weight and control blood sugar levels in mice infected with obesity.
Said Stephanie Smiley, an assistant professor at the Faculty of "Baylor" Medicine in Houston and the main researcher in the study: "Vitamin D deficiency occurs mostly in people with obesity and in diabetes type II." The researcher pointed out in this context that the results of the study show that vitamin D may play a role in obesity and diabetes type II through its effect on the brain
Smiley and explained that "the brain is the main organizer of the weight," where no region of the brain called the "hypothalamus" or the hypothalamus control the weight and the level of sugar in the blood and there are vitamin receptor (d). The Web site, "Science Daily" on matters of science that has been deprived mice of food for four hours so that it can measure the level of sugar in the blood during fasting. After it was given 12 rat dose of vitamin (d) dissolved in a solution works as a vehicle for drug delivery. 14 did not give a rat is another, similar in weight and the weight of the first group, only the solution without vitamin (d). An hour later the sugar level was measured in both groups it was found that the mice that had been given vitamin D improved the level of sugar has.
Smiley and concluded that "Vitamin D does not represent an absolute and immediate way to lose weight, but it may not work with the media know it as successful as diet and exercise." She said it was necessary to conduct further research to determine whether obesity prevents vitamin transfer
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