Factors determining healthy weight

Healthy weight

Doctors use several metrics to analyze weight. May use the BMI or body fat percentage or waist and other methods of measuring.

There is a simple way to determine the percentage of fat in the body, a biological impedance. And the machine sends an electric current through the body is harmless, specialized technical results from the machine reads, and calculates the percentage of fat in the body, by asking a result of the entire body weight as a result of lean tissue. Another way to measure body fat percentage and fat balance compass skin and replace the fat with water.

Ranging health percentage of body fat for women between thirty-one and thirty-four percent, and for men between nineteen and twenty-two percent, representing percentages minimum health percentage of young adults and higher percentages of health percentage of older adults.

Doctors take into account the weight-related health risks before determining the healthy weight of a person. Those factors include:

The high level of blood cholesterol
The high level of blood sugar
Breathing problems
Lack of exercise

For those who suffer from a simple increase weight without the presence of any other health risks such as high cholesterol or a blood pressure of, the doctor has advised him to maintain the current weight loss instead of trying.

For anyone who has a small increase in weight and an exhibition of some of the health risks associated with weight loss doctor has advised him to five to ten percent of the weight or to improve risk reduction. Research shows that this kind of weight loss has significant health benefits even though plus weight remained after the loss of 10-15% of the original weight.


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