Abdominal fat makes breathing more difficult

Abdominal fat makes breathing more difficult

French researchers found that excess weight around the waist may impair lung function, for more than a long list of associated abdominal fat area health problems.
Obesity is associated with abdominal area already diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease, among a group of health problems known collectively as metabolic syndrome.
The researchers showed that a large waist measurement relates largely to a decline in lung function, regardless of other complex factors that affect the lungs such as overall obesity and smoking.
The researchers analyzed health information about 120 thousand people in France, and evaluated the background related to the statistics of the population and the history of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, as well as lung function and its relation to the scale of obesity known as body mass index and waist circumference, and other measurements, such as health-related metabolism.
And see Dr. Natalie Lyon of the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research in her article the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Medicine and care, and an independent positive relationship between impaired lung function and metabolic syndrome and mainly abdominal obesity.
Researchers have identified abdominal obesity when waist circumference greater than 89 cm for women and 101 cm for men.
The researchers said that many studies have linked impaired lung function and higher mortality rates, and hospital admissions due to heart disease.
The researchers believe that abdominal fat may impair the performance of the diaphragm and chest method, but the study did not explain it.
It is known that fatty tissue increases inflammation in the body, but the reasons are still unknown.
In this context, Dr. Paul Enright of the University of Arizona says that there is now sufficient 
evidence to waist measurements are included in the usual assessments of lung function.


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