Lose weight after giving birth
Lose weight after giving birth
The rear of the most causes of women after childbirth, is how the weight gained during pregnancy loss, and learn the best way to restore the natural shape of the body prior to pregnancy and its complications on the body weight as soon as possible, without damage breastfeeding.
These are some tips that will be useful in weight loss immediately after birth:
First: Do not accelerate the loss of excess weight immediately after birth, and took the opportunity that goes far beyond that stage safely, especially as the body needs to recover before slimming.
Second, the bad advice and known, is that nursing eat a lot of food to be able to produce milk profusely, and this fatal error, so follow the diet which is beneficial for health during the lactation period, gives the body the nutritional values needed for milk production.
Third, jogging, and indifference to those who tell you that you have an obligation home for a long time, Enjoy the fresh air is good for your health and the health of your child.
Fourth: Breastfeeding characterized as burn approximately 500 calories in one day, and should be aware that each meal taken by the mother up to the child through breast-feeding, so you completely avoidance junk food feeding period.
Fifth: Prepare yourself snacks that are saved in the fridge, especially when you spend a long time at home to care for the child, and when you feel hungry, you eat one of those meals that have been prepared in advance, and thus already avoiding slowly eating fast foods are harmful to health.
A study says that with the smooth textures eating foods give a feeling of fullness lasts longer than other foods, so:
- Make a lot of eating yogurt, you can add a small spoonful of honey, a meal no more than 140 calories and is an excellent snack.
- You can eat dried fruit instead of fresh if they are available with a taste delicious and inadequate.
- Put potatoes in tin and nationwide grill in the oven, this is an excellent way to avoid the calories that can be gained from potatoes when fried in oil.
- Put unwashed fruits in a large dish and on the front of your eyes in order to motivate them to eat when you feel hungry.
VI: Do not neglect the sport, the best way is to go to the club sports and news that you are trained in the postpartum period for you to choose exercises that fit your body and your condition.
Upon exercise does not deprive your child of breastfeeding needs, wonderful thing in this is that scientific studies have shown that a child suckles a little exercise when the mother.
Seventh: eat when feeling really hungry, and do not ever do without any meal, but all of it is a learning organization calories in your food you eat.
Eighth: Drink plenty of water, it is evidence that make you know that your body needs water is the color of urine, it was a yellow bright then you definitely need to drink water, and you also have to move away from reliance on juices sweetened kinds that do not substitute for water rather than calorie intake.
Ninth: The breakfast is the most important meal of the all-time weight loss, they are automatically prevents the body from eating junk food during the day if she does well to choose, and will help you avoid eating too much food, unlike the other two diets during the day.
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